
Simulation Menu System:


These functions provide access to various simulation modules of UltraScan.

  1. Finite Element Analysis
    This function allows you to simulate sedimentation velocity and approach to equilibrium experiments. You can define all parameters of the model and watch a movie of the simulated data. For details, check

  2. Equilibrium Simulation
    This function allows you to simulate sedimentation equilibrium data for noninteracting and self-association models. You can define all parameters of the model and display the simulated data as well as a concentration histogram. For details, check here.

  3. Estimate Equilibrium Times
    This function allows you to estimate the length of time required to reach equilibrium. Multiple speeds can be simulated successively and preset or custom rotor positions can be used. More information about this function can be found here.

  4. Self-Association Equilibrium
    This function allows you to display relative concentrations of the self-associating species with respect to the total concentration. You can enter association constants to simulate an associating system. More information can be found here.

  5. Model s, D and f from Molecular Weight for 4 basic shapes
    This function allows you to simulate hydrodynamic parameters for 4 basic shapes (sphere, prolate and oblate ellipsoid, and long rod) from the axial ration, the molecular weight, partial specific volume, density and viscosity. More information on this function can be found here.

  6. Predict f and axial ratios for 4 basic shapes
    Given two of the three parameters (diffusion coefficient, sedimentation coefficient, or molecular weight) this function will predict the value of the third and calculate the axial ratio for the oblate and prolate ellipsoid models, and if applicable, for the long rod model. It will also calculate the frictional properties and the volume of the particle. More information can be found here.

www contact: Borries Demeler

This document is part of the UltraScan Software Documentation distribution.
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Last modified on April 12, 2003.